Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Adrenal Insufficiency...secondary

I have been diagnosed with this condition, as my pituitary doesn't work, called empty sella syndrome and Pan Hypo Pituitarism.

So far hospitalised only once with seizures, had seven in one morning, ambulance couldn't get me out, as two story and they had to carry me down and I kept having seizures.

Now every time I catch something...a simple cold, flu or whatever, I go through this again. So I have cortisone to take when unwell, but GP's don't know enough, actually think I now know more, then they deride me for looking up 'Dr Google' as he called it.

Today I was at the end of week and half flu and my mother wanted me to take her to Aldi for specials. My husband later insisted in driving and thank God, he did. In the shop a cold clammy sweat came over me and I could feel like I was going out to it. He managed to get me to the car to at least sit, which was what I needed. It was funny, the day was so bright, like an overexposed photo.

So got home, took a big dose of cortisone and now feel better, although not strong at all. I am scared to go out, as I never know when this is going to happen. I hate it. Have been different health wise all my life and just tired of it. Took 35 years to diagnose the beginning of the condition.

Seen specialist now. On cortisone for life now causing weight gain etc. feel better in myself, but now with weight gain. Vicious circle.

Anyway, thank you for listening to my story...

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